What is Leather
Before we clean leather seats and talk about leather seat care, Let’s First know what leather is. Leather is a strong, flexible and durable material. Leather is obtained from the tanning, or chemical treatment, of animal skins and hides to prevent decay. The most common leathers come from cattle, sheep, and goats. some other leathers can come from buffalo, pigs, and alligators. Leather is used to to make a variety of items, such as, footwear, leather car seats, clothing, bags, and many more items.
So now that we know what leather is, lets get down to how to clean your leather seats. Your leather seats can take a beating. They may be covered in dirt, dust, crumbs, and if you have kids this can be multiplied ten fold. So, you may be asking yourself, How can I clean these seats without damaging my beautiful leather? Or, what can I use to clean this mess up? Since there is no magic wand for this, we’ve created this guide to give you the steps and tips to clean your leather seats appropriately. Check out this blog post for more cleaning tips.
What You Need
You don’t have to spend loads of money to have the right tools and equipment to keep your leather seats clean. You can find reasonably priced items at you local auto parts stores or your favorite online marketplaces. Here is a list of some essential tools and cleaners to help keep your leather seats looking amazing for years to come:
- Vacuum Cleaner
- Microfiber Cloth
- Leather Cleaner
- Leather Conditioner
- Soft-bristled brush
- Damp Towels
Leather Seat Care Guide Step-By-Step
I know it can be a bit intimidating to try and thoroughly clean your leather seats on your own. But, that’s why we’re here. Follow these simple steps to clean your leather seats without leaving behind scratches or dirt, and make it look like you paid a professional to do it.
1. Remove Large Debris and Obstacles
Remove any large items, such as a car seat or a booster seat, if you have children. also, remove any trash or debris that may get in the way of efficiently cleaning your leather seats. This will help you see and take care of anything your kids may have left behind. It also gives you a chance to clean those items before putting back on your freshly cleaned interior. You can help maintain the clean look and feel of your seats for a long time by regularly doing this.
2. Vacuum The Leather Seat
Vacuuming those annoying crumbs and sprinkles of dirt on and around your seats will help the cleaning process. It will also limit the chances of leaving scratches or abrasions on your leather. Make sure you get all the dirt you can by getting in between all the cracks and crevices. Use a cloth to get all the dust and dirt left behind that the vacuum could not pick up.
3. Test Your Leather Seat Care Cleaning Solutions
It’s a good idea to test your cleaning solution on a small hidden part of your leather before applying it on your main surfaces. If this is your first time using the solution, this is especially important. It can prevent you from accidentally ruining or staining your leather seats. Stop using the cleaner immediately if you notice any fizzing or melting of the material.
Review the owners manual of your vehicle before using a new cleaning solution. There might be a specific recommendation from your vehicle’s manufacturer. If you have MB-Tex material, use a gentle cleaning solution as to not damage or stain your upholstery.
4. Get Rid Of Extra Grime
Although a vacuum can do a great jo of cleaning up larger particles, there still may be some grime left over. In this cade, a microfiber towel that has been sprayed with the cleaner can get rid of this. Sometimes there is sticky residue from, say, a spilled soda or melted gummy candy. You’re ready to to start deep cleaning once these issues are taken care of.
5. Use a Leather Seat Cleaning Solution
Only after you have tested a spot with your cleaner, should you begin with your deep cleaning. If your cleaner has proven to not damage your leather seats, you are ready to get down to business. To help break up any rough stains in the upholstery and creases, work the cleaning solution with a soft bristled brush to a lather is the goal. But, when you are applying the cleaning solution, make sure it’s enough to clean the seat but not oversaturate the leather. A big tip is to also work in small sections. This prevents the solution from setting deeper into the leather.
Be careful if you seats have any tears, scratches holes, or other perforations. In this case, you may want to apply your cleaning solution to a microfiber towel first and clean it that way. Moving the the brush in circular patterns will will help you remove tough stains and dirt without damage.
6. Wipe Leather Seats With a Damp Towel
Wipe away the cleaning solution now that the leather seats are clean. Using a damp towel will help wipe away almost all of the left over dirt and grime. Surely you will still have clean up to do, like left over crumbs you were able to get initially, falling to the floor. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to look into getting floor mats to help clean future messes that end up on your carpet.
7. Dry Leather Seats With a Microfiber Cloth
Remove any excess moisture from the seats, which can produce mold or mildew, with a dry microfiber towel after your initial wipe down. Prevent wrinkling and cracking by completely wiping them dry. this is a crucial step.
8. Apply a Leather Seat Conditioner
Follow up your deep cleaning with an application of a quality leather conditioner. Though, it is not completely necessary, a good practice is to treat your leather seats with conditioner once every three months. Of course, this depends on the wear and tear your personal vehicle takes. To improve the longevity of your seats from cracks, tears, and stains, a leather conditioner is a must. Check the leather seat conditioners recommendations on the label to ensure you are using it as directed.
Again, if this is the first time you are using a specific conditioner, always test a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the rest of your seats. Use small circular motions when applying the conditioner to your leather seats. Allow time for the conditioner to sit and air dry before you head back out on the road again.
Leather Seat Care Cleaning tips
There are some tips and tricks to maintain the plush look and feel of your leather seats. Consider these recommendations for example:
Choosing Leather Seat Cleaning Products
There are many things to look for in a leather seat cleaner. First, Consider the condition of your seats. If you evaluate before hand the condition of your leather seats, you can ensure you choose the right cleaner. A few things to look for in a cleaner can include:
- The cleaner is free from harsh chemicals, which can cause damage to your leather seats.
- The product is in a spray form that you can easily apply and wipe away.
- The leather seat cleaner is compatible with different leather colors and textures.
- The product is designed for new and old leather
- The formula used for the product is nontoxic or has no fragrance, which can stain your leather seats
Petroleum or waxed based conditioners can cause build up on your plush leather seats. They can also cause a dulling of the leather material. Look for natural ingredients in the ingredients list when evaluating your leather seat conditioner.
Using Leather Seat Cleaning Products
Always review the cleaners specific instructions when using a leather seat cleaner or conditioner. Every store bought product most often has explanatory steps to guide you through using there product. They usually recommend cleaning the surface with a vacuum and then applying a cleaner before using a conditioner. So, to ensure you apply the cleaning product correctly, always read the manufacturers recommendations.
If, however, you are still uneasy about using these cleaners on your own, I suggest getting in touch with a local detailing specialist. These detailing specialists have the knowledge and the top of the line tools to get your leather seats in top notch condition. They also have the knowledge to not make any cracks or tears worse, and in some cases know how to mend them
Keep Your Leather Seats Clean Longer
The main contributor to the degradation of leather seats id the UV exposure from the sun. When looking for A cleaning and conditioning solution, always see if they contain an SPF rating, the higher the better. Furthermore, Using UV blocking sunscreens can also extend the life of your leather seats. Also, Keep microfiber cloths readily available to clean up spills and dirt immediately so they don’t sink in. And don’t for get to use a quality vacuum cleaner, with a soft brush head attachment to keep the crumbs at bay.
When Should I Use Leather Seat Care Cleaner
While there is no rule set in stone as to how often you should use your leather seat cleaner, there are factors to consider. Do you have kids or a pet? Do you park in direct sunlight for long periods of time? If yes, then you should apply a leather seat conditioner more often.